TEACH Trust Governance Information
An Academy does not have shareholders, they have members. Members do not have rights of ownership in a company, like shareholders, because profits are not distributed to them, but members are akin to shareholders and have ultimate control over the direction of the Academy Trust. They ensure the company achieves its objectives and appoint Directors. The Directors have overall responsibility and ultimate decision-making authority for all the work of the Trust. They are accountable to external government agencies and are required to have systems in place through which they can assure themselves of quality, safety and good practice. The Directors have the power to direct change where required. In general terms the responsibility of the Directors, in so far as the business of each Academy is concerned, is to determine the policy and procedures of the Academy Trust, and to consider and respond to strategic issues. Directors have a duty to act independently and not as agents of those who may have appointed them. They should act with integrity, objectivity and honesty in the best interests of the Trust. Directors must be open about decisions except in so far as any matter is considered confidential. The Trust Board meets once per half term, and is supported by a Trust Finance/Audit/Staffing Committee, a Trust Standards Committee and a Trust Compliance and Safeguarding Committee.
Company Information
The Educational Alliance of Canford Heath, comprising:
TEACH Poole – Company Number 9484306
Registered Address:
Canford Heath Infant School
Learoyd Road
BH17 8PJ
Telephone: 01202 380015
CEO: Mrs K Carter - address and phone as above.
Vice Chair of Trustees: Mrs Val Arbon - address c/o Canford Heath Infant School, as above.
Governance Professional to the Trust Board: Mrs Kellie Groves -address and phone as above.
Memorandum & Articles
Information regarding Memorandum & Articles, and the Trust's Funding Agreement, can be found on the TEACH Trust Website